Sam Chandola

Sam Chandola

Founder and CEO

AGE: 25

COMPANY: Victory Square Games Inc.

“I have no business running a game studio, but I had the right passion and a vision. I knew I could act on it”

Sam Chandola has been CEO of Victory Square Games for 10 months. That’s the longest he’s ever held a job. Originally from India, Chandola moved to Vancouver to attend Vancouver Film School and saw major gaming companies exiting Vancouver, leaving behind a lot of young talent he could tap into. So he united his love of gaming with storytelling to create the mobile gaming studio. “I have no business running a game studio, but I had the right passion and a vision. I knew I could act on it,” says Chandola. In less than a year he has developed a partnership with Microsoft Canada as well as attracted over half a million dollars through investors and plans to expand to include a film component to the studio. –Abby Wiseman

Meet Sam Chandola at our 30 Under 30 event on April 30, 2014. Get your tickets here.