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A legacy gift to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank helps ensure that people facing food insecurity have access to healthy, nutritional food.
Leaving a gift in your Will for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank (GVFB) has a tremendous impact on our community. How you direct your financial legacy speaks volumes to the values you hold dear, and the kind of life you have built through the years.
“Leaving a legacy gift to the GVFB is more than a monetary gift,” says Greg Douglas, Senior Director of Development from GVFB. “It means a legacy of health and wellness in the community by ensuring the food bank’s ability to provide fresh, healthy food to people in need, from babies to seniors.”
In a broader sense, it means extending the foodbank’s capacity to reach more people in need across the Greater Vancouver area through direct distribution and network of agency partners.
The team at GVFB believes it is important for everyone to have a current Will prepared to ensure their wishes are carried out exactly as they intend, and that their loved ones and friends will be cared for. That can also mean naming charities and community building organizations that are important to the donor to ensure their wishes are carried out to the letter.
Donors can name a specific dollar amount, a percentage of the estate, or a piece of property, such as a home or securities. The GVFB can also accept planned bequests, donor advised funds, Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Registered Retirement Income Funds, Tax Free Savings Accounts, life insurance and charitable remainder trusts.
“You can give as much or as little as you want,” Douglas says. “And you can always change your mind. Just add a phrase about your intention using our legal name and Canadian charitable number: Greater Vancouver Food Bank, 107449787 RR0001.
“Any gift is an essential tool in helping the GVFB provide sustainability and a secure future with ongoing funding to address food insecurity in the Greater Vancouver area.”
Donors who can share in advance why they are making the gift, their intentions for it and the way they wish to be acknowledged—even anonymously—give the GVFB the cherished opportunity to thank its supporters.
“We would love to thank you for your kindness,” says GVFB CEO, David Long. “Knowing ahead of time helps us honour your wishes.”
The GVFB has partnered with Canadian estate planner Epilogue Wills to save donors 20% on building the Will they need. Visit foodbank.bc.ca to get started. Connect on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram