Expo F5 Launch: Malcolm Gladwell

Event: Expo F5 Launch Party Venue: V-Lounge, above Earls Yaletown Date: January 26, 2010 You've read all of his books – "Tipping Point," "Blink," "Outliers," and his latest, "What the Dog Saw" – and thought they were fantastic. What if you could talk to the brain behind the words and ask him anything you wanted? What would you ask?

F5 Expo volunteers Amanda Wilbur and Celia Winter of John Peachy get cozy with the main man of the evening, Mr. Malcolm Gladwell’s cardboard cutout.

A beautiful lady like Alysia Hamilton of Beauty Calls doesn’t need the help of Man Up! Coaching’s Mick Lolekonda, the “Hitch” of Vancouver.

Asiza Ilicic of WOW Branding and her client Ryan Markewich of Creative Roots take the night off to socialize rather than talk business.

Age ain’t nothing but a number. Brian Wong of digg.com may be young, but he’s experienced enough to be speaking at the actual Expo F5 business conference in April.

Christopher Chong of Trip Television had the gracious of company of Alina Larova at the launch.

CityMax took second place in our Best Companies to Work for in B.C. Their stellar team, from left: Dean Gagnon, Patrick Schrodt, Patrick Lok, Mara Creighton and Kyle Murphy.

Rasheed Akhtar (l), Greg Morgan, Nico Alary and Adarsh Pallian of Pallian Creative taking a liquid break from all the Malcolmalia.

Magme Media’s Albert Kurniadi and Claudia Schmidt enjoying the drinks, appies, and each other’s company at V-Lounge.

Wanna fight him? Chris Lemay of Dominion Lending Centres shows his fists and fighter’s stance.

The photographer in front of the lens. Kenton Macdonald Lin of Kenton Photography knows how to pose for the camera.

David Legg of Absolute Software gets chummy with his pal Malcolm.

Paula Ashton of The WOW Factory and her good friend David Chalk enjoy the festivities.

Team Mobio: Nina Takahashi (l), Mike Binns and Leanne Pawluk show off their matching t-shirts.

Roeina Patel of Apple One and Ying Ying Lee, of the Vancouver Club.

Stephanie Furlong of CityMax and Andrea Shillington of Shillington Consultants enjoy each others’ company.

Steve Kim and James Laitinen of Boiling Point Communications and IIMA take a break for beers & chit chat at the bar.

Two Sauder School graduates Florence Leung of PeerFX and Krishna Raisinghan of Telus give Toan Dang a run-down on the greatest business school in the province.

Event: Expo F5 Launch Party
Venue: V-Lounge, above Earls Yaletown
Date: January 26, 2010

You’ve read all of his books – “Tipping Point,” “Blink,” “Outliers,” and his latest, “What the Dog Saw” – and thought they were fantastic. What if you could talk to the brain behind the words and ask him anything you wanted? What would you ask?

Into Yaletown’s V-Lounge Malcolm Gladwell teleported – okay, telecommuted – from New York City. The restaurant set up a VIP room for 25 executives, who got to address their personal questions to Malcolm himself.

In addition to the exclusive VIP room, there was also an Online Mingle Session Viewing Room where individuals sipped on cocktails and beer, nibbled appies from the Earls’ kitchen, and socialized with other biz-types from around town.

The event was a hit, drawing crowds from all over Greater Vancouver. A great venue, a handsomish Malcolm Gladwell onscreen, and free shooters. What more could you ask for, really?