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“I Always Dreamed of Becoming …”

Calling all aspiring creative professionals, LaSalle College Vancouver's new campus and revised courses are where your future lies

For emerging professionals, today’s economic landscape feels at once ripe with opportunity and fraught with barriers to entry—so how do you make your mark? There may not be a guaranteed fast-track but if there were a blueprint for success, it would start with answering the question: “What do I love to do?”

Do What you Love and Don’t Look Back

Whether you want to be a movie director, fashion designer, graphic novelist or pastry artist, This Is Your Sign to say yes to creativity. The next step is finding great mentorship and industry connections to catapult you into the world you want to be a part of. These jobs have never been more in reach. With the exponential growth of the creative sector as the world’s hunger for both digital media and authentic human experiences grows, “creativity” has itself been repositioned from being a category of skill set to becoming a critical economic driver.

When asked to describe art in three words, LaSalle College Vancouver’s Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Jamie Kemp shared, “It’s core art and design is creative problem solving.”

Albert Einstein once noted, “Creativity is intelligence having fun,” a principle that continues to propel creatives into high-paying, rewarding careers. As the challenges companies seek to overcome continue to increase in complexity, creative professionals will become even more critical for the success of organizations that want to stand out.

So, You Want to Start Your Creative Career. Now What?

With instructors who are working actively in industry and with more than 75 years of experience in creative education, LaSalle College Vancouver—a member of LCI Education—is at the frontlines of unlocking creative careers in Canada. Bringing thousands of graduates in British Colombia from learner to leader, this Vancouver art, media and design college has developed courses with a precise balance of classroom based, hands on and industry driven programming to ensure students can walk off the convocation stage with the skills, experience and mindset required the launch into their dream career.

New for 2024 at LaSalle College Vancouver

This year, as the institution prepares to move into its new, purpose-built, state-of-the art campus, it has also relaunched its suite of degrees and diplomas to prioritize being affordable, accessible and accelerated. The goal is to ensure students studying in British Colombia receive the best value possible as they work toward unleashing their passion in the career of their dreams.

Learners can look forward to studying at an 108,000-sqare-foot campus, which will be flooded with natural light and equipped with amenities like a suspended lecture theater, fashion and animation labs, and even a rooftop meditation garden where culinary students can grow their own ingredients.

The possibilities for inspiration are endless. If you’re ready to unleash your inner artist, do some creative problem solving and let your “intelligence have some fun,” then join the next cohort of future leaders at LaSalle College Vancouver.

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