10 Things You Didn’t Know About… Article CEO Aamir Baig

Like, what kind of animal would he be?

Like, what kind of animal would he be?

One of the coolest companies in the province was started by four software engineers.

In 2011, Aamir Baig, along with Fraser Hall and twin brothers Sam and Andy Prochazka, launched Article.

Since then, the Vancouver-based furniture e-tailer has made every list of hot startups, including winning the 2017 Entrepreneur Of The Year Emerging Technology category and coverage by the likes of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Today, it has some 300 employees worldwide, with about 150 of them at its predictably awesome Strathcona headquarters

We heard that if you dont have one of Article’s expensive but oh-so-trendy sofas in your living room, your coolness card gets officially revoked. Some official comes over to your home and takes it. Its a whole process, apparently. 

Jokes aside, we caught up with Baig, who was born in Pakistan and graduated from the University of Alberta, to find out a bit more about what makes him tick. 

Whats your favourite spot in B.C.?


Where did you go on your last vacation?

Paris, France.

What’s your most memorable recent podcast, film or book?

The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt.

Favourite restaurant/bar?

Chili Pepper House—real spicy Indian-style Chinese food.

What is your morning routine?

Wake up at 6 a.m. and do some work. Wake up my son and daughter at 7:30, get them ready for school, have breakfast with them before dropping them off at school. I arrive at work at around 9:30 a.m.


I like to run at lunch. It helps clear my head.

Favourite quote?

“What happens to a man is less significant than what happens within him.”

Best advice ever received? 

“Aim before you shoot.” I got the advice from a colleague/friend of mine who worked with me in my previous company.

Your worst job ever?

They’ve all been great.

If you could be an animal, what would you be?

A lion. I like the fearless attitude they’ve got.